Promesa Boyle Heights is a collective of residents, youth, schools, and community organizations united in lifting community voices and working together to transform conditions and improve opportunities for students and families.
A core Promesa value is building Boyle Heights residents’ power, capacity, and confidence, born out of a social justice mindset and tied to the larger political landscape of Boyle Heights. There is a feeling of being supported, that community members matter. This collective power, capacity, and confidence helps foster the goal of community members articulating and advocating for their needs, and believing they have the support and expertise to do so in a unified way.

Boyle Heights continues to face major challenges – too many students continue to fall through the cracks; jobs and economic growth opportunities are sparse; access to health and wellness resources is still splintered; and mounting gentrification pressures on our community means decreasing access to affordable and safe housing for the lowest income residents.
But our efforts are not over. Promesa is achieving its vision through a unique and powerful combination of...

That families live a
healthy, stable & fulfilling life

That children have opportunities to learn, grow & succeed from cradle, through college & career

That every individual is empowered to act & create a more just & interdependent community

Our beliefs
We believe that if we strengthen community leadership and capacity, build a strong and coordinated continuum of academic and wellness support, focus on key transition points, and provide additional targeted support for children and families, then we can dramatically increase college and career readiness for students and transform the Boyle Heights community.
We realize that the educational and community vision we are developing is going to take a lot of work and it won’t be achieved by one person or one organization working alone.
Promesa is a collaborative of 20+ organizations & schools, led by backbone organization Proyecto Pastoral. Through our Steering Committees & General Assemblies, community families drive our decision-making. Promesa is achieving its vision through a powerful combination of:
Community organizing
Parent leadership development
Community-school integration efforts
Restorative justice practices
Tutoring & academic case management
Drop-out prevention efforts
School-wide events addressing: wellness, post-secondary education & career planning